Cinderella not Sin-derella Candle
Candle will help you connect to your passion and creative nature. Use if you are suffering from a low libido, issues around sex or intimacy, gynecological or fertility challenges, struggles with creative endeavors, lack of creative insights or fulfillment, lingering...
Heart of Gold Body Butter
Body Butter will assist if you feel that you are emotionally closed off or numb, struggling with receiving or giving love, or find it difficult to forgive others or let go of past pains, and/or lack empathy or compassion. Scent...
I AM Here Handmade Bar Soap
This luxurious bar soap will help you be grounded and relaxed, bringing you to a state of inner peace and confidence. Use if you feel restless, lethargic, anxious/panicky, frustrated or angry, resentful, and disconnected from yourself and the world. Scent...
Organic Loofah
Exfoliate/Wash body.
Warrior not Worrier Handcream
Hand cream will assist you when struggling with being authentic, having self-doubt and being confused about your identity which all leads to low self esteem and insecurity. Scent is refreshing and vibrant.
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